Uploaded image for project: 'IT: Release Engineering'
  1. IT: Release Engineering
  2. RELENG-2641

Fix common-packer coala warnings

Issue XMLXMLWordPrintable

      Executing section JSON...
      |    | [NORMAL] JSONFormatBear:
      |    | This file can be reformatted by sorting keys and following indentation.
      |----|    | /home/abelur/git/common-packer/templates/builder-aws.json
      |    |++++| /home/abelur/git/common-packer/templates/builder-aws.json
      |  33|  33|           "virtualization-type": "hvm"
      |  34|  34|         },
      |  35|  35|         "most_recent": true,
      |  36|    |-        "owners": ["{{user `source_ami_filter_owner`}}"]
      |    |  36|+        "owners": [
      |    |  37|+          "{{user `source_ami_filter_owner`}}"
      |    |  38|+        ]
      |  37|  39|       },
      |  38|  40|       "ssh_username": "{{user `ssh_user`}}",
      |  39|  41|       "ssh_proxy_host": "{{user `ssh_proxy_host`}}",
      |  46|  48|   "provisioners": [
      |  47|  49|     {
      |  48|  50|       "type": "shell",
      |  49|    |-      "scripts": ["common-packer/provision/install-python.sh"],
      |    |  51|+      "scripts": [
      |    |  52|+        "common-packer/provision/install-python.sh"
      |    |  53|+      ],
      |  50|  54|       "execute_command": "chmod +x {{ .Path }}; if [ \"$UID\" == \"0\" ]; then {{ .Vars }} '{{ .Path }}'; else {{ .Vars }} sudo -E '{{ .Path }}'; fi"
      |  51|  55|     },
      |  52|  56|     {
      [INFO][22:10:27] Applied 'ShowPatchAction' on 'templates/builder-aws.json' from 'JSONFormatBear'.
      |    | [NORMAL] JSONFormatBear:
      |    | This file can be reformatted by sorting keys and following indentation.
      |----|    | /home/abelur/git/common-packer/templates/docker.json
      |    |++++| /home/abelur/git/common-packer/templates/docker.json
      |  24|  24|       "type": "openstack",
      |  25|  25|       "region": "{{user `cloud_region`}}",
      |  26|  26|       "availability_zone": "{{user `cloud_availability_zone`}}",
      |  27|    |-      "networks": ["{{user `cloud_network`}}"],
      |    |  27|+      "networks": [
      |    |  28|+        "{{user `cloud_network`}}"
      |    |  29|+      ],
      |  28|  30|       "user_data_file": "{{user `cloud_user_data`}}",
      |  29|  31|       "ssh_username": "{{user `ssh_user`}}",
      |  30|  32|       "ssh_proxy_host": "{{user `ssh_proxy_host`}}",
      |  40|  42|   "provisioners": [
      |  41|  43|     {
      |  42|  44|       "type": "shell",
      |  43|    |-      "scripts": ["common-packer/provision/install-python.sh"],
      |    |  45|+      "scripts": [
      |    |  46|+        "common-packer/provision/install-python.sh"
      |    |  47|+      ],
      |  44|  48|       "execute_command": "chmod +x {{ .Path }}; if [ \"$UID\" == \"0\" ]; then {{ .Vars }} '{{ .Path }}'; else {{ .Vars }} sudo -E '{{ .Path }}'; fi"
      |  45|  49|     },
      |  46|  50|     {
      [INFO][22:10:27] Applied 'ShowPatchAction' on 'templates/docker.json' from 'JSONFormatBear'.
      |    | [NORMAL] JSONFormatBear:
      |    | This file can be reformatted by sorting keys and following indentation.
      |----|    | /home/abelur/git/common-packer/templates/builder.json
      |    |++++| /home/abelur/git/common-packer/templates/builder.json
      |  24|  24|       "type": "openstack",
      |  25|  25|       "region": "{{user `cloud_region`}}",
      |  26|  26|       "availability_zone": "{{user `cloud_availability_zone`}}",
      |  27|    |-      "networks": ["{{user `cloud_network`}}"],
      |    |  27|+      "networks": [
      |    |  28|+        "{{user `cloud_network`}}"
      |    |  29|+      ],
      |  28|  30|       "user_data_file": "{{user `cloud_user_data`}}",
      |  29|  31|       "ssh_username": "{{user `ssh_user`}}",
      |  30|  32|       "ssh_proxy_host": "{{user `ssh_proxy_host`}}",
      |  40|  42|   "provisioners": [
      |  41|  43|     {
      |  42|  44|       "type": "shell",
      |  43|    |-      "scripts": ["common-packer/provision/install-python.sh"],
      |    |  45|+      "scripts": [
      |    |  46|+        "common-packer/provision/install-python.sh"
      |    |  47|+      ],
      |  44|  48|       "execute_command": "chmod +x {{ .Path }}; if [ \"$UID\" == \"0\" ]; then {{ .Vars }} '{{ .Path }}'; else {{ .Vars }} sudo -E '{{ .Path }}'; fi"
      |  45|  49|     },
      |  46|  50|     {
      [INFO][22:10:27] Applied 'ShowPatchAction' on 'templates/builder.json' from 'JSONFormatBear'.
      |    | [NORMAL] JSONFormatBear:
      |    | This file can be reformatted by sorting keys and following indentation.
      |----|    | /home/abelur/git/common-packer/templates/windows-builder.json
      |    |++++| /home/abelur/git/common-packer/templates/windows-builder.json
      |  22|  22|       "type": "openstack",
      |  23|  23|       "region": "{{user `cloud_region`}}",
      |  24|  24|       "availability_zone": "{{user `cloud_availability_zone`}}",
      |  25|    |-      "networks": ["{{user `cloud_network`}}"],
      |    |  25|+      "networks": [
      |    |  26|+        "{{user `cloud_network`}}"
      |    |  27|+      ],
      |  26|  28|       "user_data_file": "{{user `cloud_user_data`}}",
      |  27|  29|       "flavor": "{{user `flavor`}}",
      |  28|  30|       "metadata": {
      [INFO][22:10:27] Applied 'ShowPatchAction' on 'templates/windows-builder.json' from 'JSONFormatBear'.
      Executing section all.ShellCheck...
      Executing section YAML...
      Executing section cli...
      ERROR: InvocationError for command '/home/abelur/git/common-packer/.tox/coala/bin/coala --non-interactive' (exited with code 5)
      pre-commit create: /home/abelur/git/common-packer/.tox/pre-commit
      pre-commit installdeps: pre-commit
      pre-commit installed: aspy.yaml==1.3.0,cfgv==2.0.1,identify==1.4.8,importlib-metadata==1.3.0,more-itertools==8.0.2,nodeenv==1.3.3,pre-commit==1.20.0,PyYAML==5.2,six==1.13.0,toml==0.10.0,virtualenv==16.7.9,zipp==0.6.0
      pre-commit run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='4186363863'
      pre-commit runtests: commands[0] | pre-commit install
      pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
      pre-commit runtests: commands[1] | pre-commit run --all-files
      Trim Trailing Whitespace.................................................Passed
      _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ summary _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
      ERROR:   coala: commands failed
        pre-commit: commands succeeded

      These warning can be fixed in two ways:

      1. Disable coala since its no longer maintained
      2. Disable the prettier - pre-commit hook since this is auto-changing the formatting and in turn breaking coala, tox jobs.

              askb Anil Belur
              askb Anil Belur
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
