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  1. IT: Release Engineering
  2. RELENG-3072

ONAP Doc Project clone fails (Dublin and El Alto)

Issue XMLXMLWordPrintable

       The ssh git clone of gerrit doc repo works fine without submodules.

       With submodules cloning fails using following commands:

      git clone --branch elalto --recursive "https://gerrit.onap.org/r/doc"
      git clone --branch elalto --recurse-submodules ssh://$lfid@gerrit.onap.org:29418/doc

       Error Message:

      error: submodule git dir '/home/jakob/test/doc/.git/modules/docs/submodules/appc/deployment.git' is inside git dir '/home/jakob/test/doc/.git/modules/docs/submodules/appc'
      fatal: refusing to create/use '/home/jakob/test/doc/.git/modules/docs/submodules/appc/deployment.git' in another submodule's git dir
      Failed to clone 'docs/submodules/appc/deployment.git' a second time, aborting

       Basically the problem is that a submodule is created directly in another submodule git direction- which does not seem to be allowed.

      For cloning and building the documentation with submodules locally the module appc/deployment.git can be removed from the conf.py file but thats is not a good workaround.


              jwagantall Jessica Wagantall
              JakobKrieg Jakob Krieg
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
