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  1. IT: Release Engineering
  2. RELENG-525

Create rpm/deb repositories for 6wind/Quagga

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      Create rpm/deb repositories for 6wind/Quagga requires the following sub-tasks completed:

      • Update images with required dependencies for 6wind/Quagga
      • Create repos in Nexus
      • Create schedule tasks
      • Create Cron jobs for Metadata generation for apt repos
      • Create Jobs for building and uploading rpms on Nexus 
      • Update images to pull in Quagga/6Wind rpms/debs
      • Verify that tests are working with a diffirent version of thrift.  

      Option [*2] details :

      • zrpc package
        there would be as many ZRPC packages as there are thrift versions.
        Plus the package name would have a separate commit ID.
        ZRPC_<ID>V1, ZRPC<ID>V2, ZRPC<ID>V2, ZRPC<ID>_V4
      • 3 extra packages. Those may not change.
        ZMQ, C-capnproto, Thrift.

      If 3 extra packages ( ZMQ, C-capnproto, Thrift) won't change, in that case ,
      it's better to be part of packers scripts (JB/mininet images) .

      ZRPC_<ID>_Versions will be downloaded and installing from the nexus based on
      ODL version after triggering the respective feature job.

              askb Anil Belur
              askb Anil Belur
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